Slinging links… All the links!

"According to TBS News Dig, Japan sees over 20,000 bath-related deaths every year. In 2011, 3.7 times more people died in their baths in Japan than died in traffic accidents."

#japan #oldData? #heatShock #bath

🍜 Warnings Over “Heat Shock” After Japanese Actress’s Tragic Death

"Culture shock is a constructive thing. It’s the growing pains of a broadening perspective. To me, there are two kinds of travel: There’s escape travel, and there’s reality travel. I want to go home a little bit different, a little less afraid, a little more thankful, a little better citizen of the planet."

#rickSteves #travel

🍜 ‘The Interview’: Rick Steves Refuses to Get Cynical About the World - The New York Times

"It’s hard not to think about that inevitable moment when your children stop looking at you with fascination. When their eyes no longer light up just because you’re there. At"

#parenting #love

🍜 Alex's Blog

"To improve the experience for our customers outside of the U.S., and especially in Europe, we recently added a data outpost in Amsterdam. The shorter distance between users and their data means increased speed, and speed is a feature!"

#hey #email

🍜 New in HEY: Faster speeds for customers worldwide — 37signals

"Liminal Spaces is a wallpaper set created while playing with different shapes, textures, patterns, and perspectives. Each wallpaper is a collage of varying design and pattern cutouts that give some semblance of space and perspective while remaining simultaneously ambiguous."


🍜 LIMINAL Spaces Wallpaper — Basic Apple Guy

🍜 Made with love, and Scribbles.